Jr., George L. Smith

Topic Weight Topic Terms
0.368 using subjects results study experiment did conducted task time used experienced use preference experimental presented
0.126 assimilation beliefs belief confirmation aggregation initial investigate observed robust particular comparative circumstances aggregated tendency factors
0.122 cognitive style research rules styles human individual personality indicates stopping users composition analysis linguistic contextual

Focal Researcher     Coauthors of Focal Researcher (1st degree)     Coauthors of Coauthors (2nd degree)

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Lederer, Albert L. 1
aggregation of information 1 Cognitive styles 1 confidence in decision-making. 1

Articles (1)

Individual Differences and Decision-Making Using Various Levels of Aggregation of Information. (Journal of Management Information Systems, 1988)
Authors: Abstract:
    This research investigated the effects of aggregation level on decision-making performance and confidence. The study made use of experienced territory managers as subjects. As part of their regular job responsibilities, they had all carried out a task closely resembling the one in this experiment. The research sought to identify patterns of decision-making suggesting that individual differences play an important role. With an average of 6.8 years of experience, 104 territory managers in a manufacturing firm planned the coming year's product distribution. Each manager received reports for two hypothetical territories that differed in their level of aggregation. Confidence in their plans was related to experience and to decision-making style, but not to preference. Decision-makers almost always preferred detailed data, while summary data appeared to better serve heuristic planners and detailed data better served analytic planners.